This projects tests the alu for signed subtraction by reducing the number of bits to three so an exhaustive search is manageable. It adds an extended calculation by increasing the number of bits by one to eliminate overflow. Then the exact output (ce) is compared to the actual output (c). A test flag is set whenever the two values are not equal. The overflow flag should match the test flag exactly.
Click image above to expand.
/* * control: * 000 add, signed * 001 subtract, signed * 010 add, unsigned * 011 subtract, unsigned * -------------------------------------------- * 100 AND * 101 OR * 110 XOR * 111 NOR */ module alu(a,b,control,c,zero,neg,ovfl,ce,test); parameter BITS = 3; input [BITS-1:0] a, b; input [2:0] control; output [BITS-1:0] c; output [BITS:0] ce; output zero, neg, ovfl, test; wire [BITS:0] ae,be; assign ae = {a[BITS-1],a}; assign be = {b[BITS-1],b}; assign ce = (subtract?ae-be:ae+be); assign test = ce != {sum[BITS-1],sum}; wire subtract; assign subtract = control[0]; // add-subtract unit wire [BITS-1:0] sum; wire [BITS-1:0] bn; wire cin, cout; assign cin = subtract; assign bn = (subtract? ~b: b); assign {cout, sum} = a+bn+cin; // logic unit reg [BITS-1:0] out; always case (control[1:0]) 2'b00: out = a&b; 2'b01: out = a|b; 2'b10: out = a^b; 2'b11: out = ~(a|b); endcase wire zero, sgn, unsgn; assign zero = ~(|sum); assign sgn = (sum[BITS-1]? (~a[BITS-1])&(~bn[BITS-1]): a[BITS-1]&bn[BITS-1] ); assign unsgn = cout^subtract; assign ovfl = (control[1]? unsgn: sgn); assign neg = (control[1]? unsgn: sum[BITS-1]); assign c = (control[2]? out: sum); endmodule
Fitter Status : Successful - Tue Sep 16 21:45:48 2008 Quartus II Version : 7.2 Build 175 11/20/2007 SP 1 SJ Web Edition Revision Name : alu Top-level Entity Name : alu Family : Cyclone II Device : EP2C35F672C6 Timing Models : Final Total logic elements : 30 / 33,216 ( < 1 % ) Total combinational functions : 30 / 33,216 ( < 1 % ) Dedicated logic registers : 0 / 33,216 ( 0 % ) Total registers : 0 Total pins : 20 / 475 ( 4 % ) Total virtual pins : 0 Total memory bits : 0 / 483,840 ( 0 % ) Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements : 0 / 70 ( 0 % ) Total PLLs : 0 / 4 ( 0 % )
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timing Analyzer Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type : Worst-case tpd Slack : N/A Required Time : None Actual Time : 12.850 ns From : control[0] To : ovfl From Clock : -- To Clock : -- Failed Paths : 0 Type : Total number of failed paths Slack : Required Time : Actual Time : From : To : From Clock : To Clock : Failed Paths : 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maintained by John Loomis, last updated Tue Sep 16 22:03:48 2008