Measurement Computing DAQ Installation

You will need to install the daq using InstaCal, which can be obtained from the MCC downloads page.

You should also install TracerDAQ® from the MCC DAQ CD.

When you run InstaCal and connect a DAQ to a USB port, you should get a "PlugandPlay" window like the one below

Afterwards the InstaCal screen should look something like the following screenshot.

Perform the following tests:

  1. Select menu: Install — Config .... Press "Flash LED" button

  2. Select menu: Test — Analog. Connect pin 1 to pin 21 and pin 2 to pin 3 as instructed in the diagram below, (see also the DAQ pinout) and confirm appearance of a square wave signal.

Data Acquisition Board Pinout

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 30 August 2012