//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Binary to BCD converter, serial implementation, 1 clock per input bit. // // // Description: See description below (which suffices for IP core // specification document.) // // Copyright (C) 2002 John Clayton and OPENCORES.ORG (this Verilog version) // // This source file may be used and distributed without restriction provided // that this copyright statement is not removed from the file and that any // derivative work contains the original copyright notice and the associated // disclaimer. // // This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public // License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with this source. // If not, download it from http://www.opencores.org/lgpl.shtml // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Author: John Clayton // Date : Nov. 19, 2003 // Update: Nov. 19, 2003 Copied this file from "led_display_driver.v" and // modified it. // Update: Nov. 24, 2003 Fixed bcd_asl function, tested module. It works! // Update: Nov. 25, 2003 Changed bit_counter and related logic so that long // start pulses produce correct results at the end of // the pulse. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description: // // This module takes a binary input, and converts it into BCD output, with each // binary coded decimal digit of course occupying 4-bits. // The user can specify the number of input bits separately from the number of // output digits. Be sure that you have specified enough output digits to // represent the largest number you expect on the binary input, or else the // most significant digits of the result will be cut off. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module binary_to_bcd ( clk_i, ce_i, rst_i, start_i, dat_binary_i, dat_bcd_o, done_o ); parameter BITS_IN_PP = 16; // # of bits of binary input parameter BCD_DIGITS_OUT_PP = 5; // # of digits of BCD output parameter BIT_COUNT_WIDTH_PP = 4; // Width of bit counter // I/O declarations input clk_i; // clock signal input ce_i; // clock enable input input rst_i; // synchronous reset input start_i; // initiates a conversion input [BITS_IN_PP-1:0] dat_binary_i; // input bus output [4*BCD_DIGITS_OUT_PP-1:0] dat_bcd_o; // output bus output done_o; // indicates conversion is done reg [4*BCD_DIGITS_OUT_PP-1:0] dat_bcd_o; // Internal signal declarations reg [BITS_IN_PP-1:0] bin_reg; reg [4*BCD_DIGITS_OUT_PP-1:0] bcd_reg; wire [BITS_IN_PP-1:0] bin_next; reg [4*BCD_DIGITS_OUT_PP-1:0] bcd_next; reg busy_bit; reg [BIT_COUNT_WIDTH_PP-1:0] bit_count; wire bit_count_done; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions & Tasks //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [4*BCD_DIGITS_OUT_PP-1:0] bcd_asl; input [4*BCD_DIGITS_OUT_PP-1:0] din; input newbit; integer k; reg cin; reg [3:0] digit; reg [3:0] digit_less; begin cin = newbit; for (k=0; k<BCD_DIGITS_OUT_PP; k=k+1) begin digit[3] = din[4*k+3]; digit[2] = din[4*k+2]; digit[1] = din[4*k+1]; digit[0] = din[4*k]; digit_less = digit - 5; if (digit > 4'b0100) begin bcd_asl[4*k+3] = digit_less[2]; bcd_asl[4*k+2] = digit_less[1]; bcd_asl[4*k+1] = digit_less[0]; bcd_asl[4*k+0] = cin; cin = 1'b1; end else begin bcd_asl[4*k+3] = digit[2]; bcd_asl[4*k+2] = digit[1]; bcd_asl[4*k+1] = digit[0]; bcd_asl[4*k+0] = cin; cin = 1'b0; end end // end of for loop end endfunction //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Module code //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Perform proper shifting, binary ASL and BCD ASL assign bin_next = {bin_reg,1'b0}; always @(bcd_reg or bin_reg) begin bcd_next <= bcd_asl(bcd_reg,bin_reg[BITS_IN_PP-1]); end // Busy bit, input and output registers always @(posedge clk_i) begin if (rst_i) begin busy_bit <= 0; // Synchronous reset dat_bcd_o <= 0; end else if (start_i && ~busy_bit) begin busy_bit <= 1; bin_reg <= dat_binary_i; bcd_reg <= 0; end else if (busy_bit && ce_i && bit_count_done && ~start_i) begin busy_bit <= 0; dat_bcd_o <= bcd_next; end else if (busy_bit && ce_i && ~bit_count_done) begin bcd_reg <= bcd_next; bin_reg <= bin_next; end end assign done_o = ~busy_bit; // Bit counter always @(posedge clk_i) begin if (~busy_bit) bit_count <= 0; else if (ce_i && ~bit_count_done) bit_count <= bit_count + 1; end assign bit_count_done = (bit_count == (BITS_IN_PP-1)); endmodule