

C Source
Shell script
Size summary
Disassembler output
Data section


 * "Small Hello World" example. 
 * This example prints 'Hello from Nios II' to the STDOUT stream. It runs on
 * the Nios II 'standard', 'full_featured', 'fast', and 'low_cost' example 
 * designs. It requires a STDOUT  device in your system's hardware. 
 * The purpose of this example is to demonstrate the smallest possible Hello 
 * World application, using the Nios II HAL library.  The memory footprint
 * of this hosted application is ~332 bytes by default using the standard 
 * reference design.  For a more fully featured Hello World application
 * example, see the example titled "Hello World".
 * The memory footprint of this example has been reduced by making the
 * following changes to the normal "Hello World" example.
 * Check in the Nios II Software Developers Manual for a more complete 
 * description.
 * In the SW Application project (small_hello_world):
 *  - In the C/C++ Build page
 *    - Set the Optimization Level to -Os
 * In System Library project (small_hello_world_syslib):
 *  - In the C/C++ Build page
 *    - Set the Optimization Level to -Os
 *    - Define the preprocessor option ALT_NO_INSTRUCTION_EMULATION 
 *      This removes software exception handling, which means that you cannot 
 *      run code compiled for Nios II cpu with a hardware multiplier on a core 
 *      without a the multiply unit. Check the Nios II Software Developers 
 *      Manual for more details.
 *  - In the System Library page:
 *    - Set Periodic system timer and Timestamp timer to none
 *      This prevents the automatic inclusion of the timer driver.
 *    - Set Max file descriptors to 4
 *      This reduces the size of the file handle pool.
 *    - Check Main function does not exit
 *    - Uncheck Clean exit (flush buffers)
 *      This removes the unneeded call to exit when main returns, since it
 *      won't.
 *    - Check Don't use C++
 *      This builds without the C++ support code.
 *    - Check Small C library
 *      This uses a reduced functionality C library, which lacks  
 *      support for buffering, file IO, floating point and getch(), etc. 
 *      Check the Nios II Software Developers Manual for a complete list.
 *    - Check Reduced device drivers
 *      This uses reduced functionality drivers if they're available. For the
 *      standard design this means you get polled UART and JTAG UART drivers,
 *      no support for the LCD driver and you lose the ability to program 
 *      CFI compliant flash devices.
 *    - Check Access device drivers directly
 *      This bypasses the device file system to access device drivers directly.
 *      This eliminates the space required for the device file system services.
 *      It also provides a HAL version of libc services that access the drivers
 *      directly, further reducing space. Only a limited number of libc
 *      functions are available in this configuration.
 *    - Use ALT versions of stdio routines:
 *           Function                  Description
 *        ===============  =====================================
 *        alt_printf       Only supports %s, %x, and %c ( < 1 Kbyte)
 *        alt_putstr       Smaller overhead than puts with direct drivers
 *                         Note this function doesn't add a newline.
 *        alt_putchar      Smaller overhead than putchar with direct drivers
 *        alt_getchar      Smaller overhead than getchar with direct drivers

#include "sys/alt_stdio.h"

int main()
  alt_putstr("Hello from Nios II!\n");

  /* Event loop never exits. */
  while (1);

  return 0;

Shell script

nios2-elf-size ${inp}.elf > ${oup}.size.txt
nios2-elf-objdump -dS ${inp}.elf >${oup}.disassemble.txt
nios2-elf-objdump -h ${inp}.elf > ${oup}.headers.txt
nios2-elf-objcopy -S -O binary ${inp}.elf ${oup}.bin
nios2-elf-nm ${inp}.elf > ${oup}.symbols.txt
od -Ax -j0x274 -txz ${oup}.bin > ${oup}.od.txt


   text       data        bss        dec        hex    filename
    652         16          0        668        29c    hello_world_small_0.elf


hello_world_small_0.elf:     file format elf32-littlenios2

Idx Name          Size      VMA       LMA       File off  Algn
  0 .entry        00000020  00008000  00008000  00000074  2**5
  1 .exceptions   00000000  00008020  00008020  00000310  2**0
  2 .text         00000254  00008020  00008020  00000094  2**2
  3 .rodata       00000018  00008274  00008274  000002e8  2**2
  4 .rwdata       00000010  0000828c  0000828c  00000300  2**2
  5 .bss          00000000  0000829c  0000829c  00000310  2**0
  6 .onchip_mem   00000000  0000829c  0000829c  00000310  2**0
  7 .comment      000001b8  00000000  00000000  00000310  2**0
                  CONTENTS, READONLY
  8 .debug_aranges 00000168  00000000  00000000  000004c8  2**3
  9 .debug_pubnames 000001a0  00000000  00000000  00000630  2**0
 10 .debug_info   000009cc  00000000  00000000  000007d0  2**0
 11 .debug_abbrev 00000556  00000000  00000000  0000119c  2**0
 12 .debug_line   0000194c  00000000  00000000  000016f2  2**0
 13 .debug_frame  00000160  00000000  00000000  00003040  2**2
 14 .debug_str    00000640  00000000  00000000  000031a0  2**0
 15 .debug_alt_sim_info 00000030  00000000  00000000  000037e0  2**2

Disassembler output

hello_world_small_0.elf:     file format elf32-littlenios2

Disassembly of section .entry:

00008000 <__reset>:
    /* Assume the instruction cache size is always a power of two. */
#if NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE > 0x8000
    movhi r2, %hi(NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE)
    movui r2, NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE
    8000:    00840014     movui    r2,4096

    initi r2
    8004:    1001483a     initi    r2
    addi r2, r2, -NIOS2_ICACHE_LINE_SIZE
    8008:    10bff804     addi    r2,r2,-32
    bgt r2, zero, 0b
    800c:    00bffd16     blt    zero,r2,8004 <__alt_mem_onchip_mem+0x4>

     * The following debug information tells the ISS not to run the loop above
     * but to perform its actions using faster internal code.
    .pushsection .debug_alt_sim_info
    .int 1, 1, 0b, 1b
#endif /* Initialize Instruction Cache */

 * Jump to the _start entry point in the .text section if reset code
 * is allowed or if optimizing for RTL simulation.
    /* Jump to the _start entry point in the .text section. */
    movhi r1, %hi(_start)
    8010:    00400034     movhi    at,0
    ori r1, r1, %lo(_start)
    8014:    08600814     ori    at,at,32800
    jmp r1
    8018:    0800683a     jmp    at

0000801c <_exit>:
    801c:    00000000     call    0 <__alt_mem_onchip_mem-0x8000>
Disassembly of section .text:

00008020 <_start>:

    .size __reset, . - __reset
#endif /* Jump to _start */

 * When not using exit, provide an _exit symbol to prevent unresolved
 * references to _exit from the linker script.
#ifdef ALT_NO_EXIT
    .globl _exit

|                          TEXT SECTION (.text)                           |

 * Start of the .text section, and also the code entry point when
 * the code is executed by a bootloader rather than directly from reset.
    .section .text
    .align 2

    .globl _start
    .type _start, @function

 * Initialize the data cache if present (i.e. size > 0) and not
 * optimizing for RTL simulation.
 * RTL simulations can ensure the data cache is already initialized
 * so skipping this loop speeds up RTL simulation.


    /* Assume the data cache size is always a power of two. */
#if NIOS2_DCACHE_SIZE > 0x8000
    movhi r2, %hi(NIOS2_DCACHE_SIZE)
    movui r2, NIOS2_DCACHE_SIZE
    8020:    00820014     movui    r2,2048

    initd 0(r2)
    8024:    10000033     initd    0(r2)
    addi r2, r2, -NIOS2_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE
    8028:    10bff804     addi    r2,r2,-32
    bgt r2, zero, 0b
    802c:    00bffd16     blt    zero,r2,8024 <__ram_exceptions_end+0x4>

     * The following debug information tells the ISS not to run the loop above
     * but to perform its actions using faster internal code.
    .pushsection .debug_alt_sim_info
    .int 2, 1, 0b, 1b

#endif /* Initialize Data Cache */

    /* Log that caches have been initialized. */

    /* Log that the stack pointer is about to be setup. */
     * Now that the caches are initialized, set up the stack pointer. 
     * The value provided by the linker is assumed to be correctly aligned. 
    movhi sp, %hi(__alt_stack_pointer)
    8030:    06c00074     movhi    sp,1
    ori sp, sp, %lo(__alt_stack_pointer)
    8034:    dec00014     ori    sp,sp,0

    /* Set up the global pointer. */
    movhi gp, %hi(_gp)
    8038:    06800074     movhi    gp,1
    ori gp, gp, %lo(_gp)
    803c:    d680a314     ori    gp,gp,652

 * Clear the BSS if not optimizing for RTL simulation.
 * This uses the symbols: __bss_start and __bss_end, which are defined 
 * by the linker script. They mark the begining and the end of the bss 
 * region. The linker script guarantees that these values are word aligned. 
    /* Log that the BSS is about to be cleared. */

    movhi r2, %hi(__bss_start)
    8040:    00800034     movhi    r2,0
    ori r2, r2, %lo(__bss_start)
    8044:    10a0a714     ori    r2,r2,33436

    movhi r3, %hi(__bss_end)
    8048:    00c00034     movhi    r3,0
    ori r3, r3, %lo(__bss_end)
    804c:    18e0a714     ori    r3,r3,33436

    beq r2, r3, 1f 
    8050:    10c00326     beq    r2,r3,8060 <__ram_exceptions_end+0x40>

    stw zero, (r2)
    8054:    10000015     stw    zero,0(r2)
    addi r2, r2, 4
    8058:    10800104     addi    r2,r2,4
    bltu r2, r3, 0b
    805c:    10fffd36     bltu    r2,r3,8054 <__ram_exceptions_end+0x34>


     * The following debug information tells the ISS not to run the loop above
     * but to perform its actions using faster internal code.
    .pushsection .debug_alt_sim_info
    .int 3, 1, 0b, 1b
#endif /* ALT_SIM_OPTIMIZE */

 * The alt_load() facility is normally used when there is no bootloader.
 * It copies some sections into RAM so it acts like a mini-bootloader.

     * If the user has selected stack checking then we need to set up a safe
     * value in the stack limit register so that the relocation functions
     * don't think the stack has overflowed (the contents of the rwdata
     * section aren't defined until alt_load() has been called).
    mov   et, zero

    call alt_load
    8060:    00080840     call    8084 <alt_load>

#endif /* CALL_ALT_LOAD */

     * Set up the stack limit (if required).  The linker has set up the
     * copy of the variable which is in memory.

    ldw   et, %gprel(alt_stack_limit_value)(gp)

    /* Log that alt_main is about to be called. */
    /* Call the C entry point. It should never return. */
    call alt_main
    8064:    00081400     call    8140 <alt_main>

00008068 <alt_after_alt_main>:

    /* Wait in infinite loop in case alt_main does return. */
    br alt_after_alt_main
    8068:    003fff06     br    8068 <alt_after_alt_main>

0000806c <main>:

#include "sys/alt_stdio.h"

int main()
    806c:    deffff04     addi    sp,sp,-4
  alt_putstr("Hello from Nios II!\n");
    8070:    01000074     movhi    r4,1
    8074:    21209d04     addi    r4,r4,-32140
    8078:    dfc00015     stw    ra,0(sp)
    807c:    00081780     call    8178 <alt_putstr>
    8080:    003fff06     br    8080 <main+0x14>

00008084 <alt_load>:
 * RAM any sections that are required.

void alt_load (void)
    8084:    deffff04     addi    sp,sp,-4

static void ALT_INLINE alt_load_section (alt_u32* from, 
                                         alt_u32* to, 
                                         alt_u32* end)
    8088:    01000074     movhi    r4,1
    808c:    2120a304     addi    r4,r4,-32116
    8090:    00c00074     movhi    r3,1
    8094:    18e0a304     addi    r3,r3,-32116
    8098:    dfc00015     stw    ra,0(sp)

static void ALT_INLINE alt_load_section (alt_u32* from, 
                                         alt_u32* to, 
                                         alt_u32* end)
    809c:    01400074     movhi    r5,1
    80a0:    2960a704     addi    r5,r5,-32100
  if (to != from)
    80a4:    19000626     beq    r3,r4,80c0 <alt_load+0x3c>
    while( to != end )
      *to++ = *from++;
    80a8:    19400526     beq    r3,r5,80c0 <alt_load+0x3c>
    80ac:    20800017     ldw    r2,0(r4)
    80b0:    21000104     addi    r4,r4,4
    80b4:    18800015     stw    r2,0(r3)
    80b8:    18c00104     addi    r3,r3,4
    80bc:    197ffb1e     bne    r3,r5,80ac <alt_load+0x28>
    80c0:    01000074     movhi    r4,1
    80c4:    21200804     addi    r4,r4,-32736
    80c8:    00c00074     movhi    r3,1
    80cc:    18e00804     addi    r3,r3,-32736
    80d0:    01400074     movhi    r5,1
    80d4:    29600804     addi    r5,r5,-32736
    80d8:    19000626     beq    r3,r4,80f4 <alt_load+0x70>
    80dc:    19400526     beq    r3,r5,80f4 <alt_load+0x70>
    80e0:    20800017     ldw    r2,0(r4)
    80e4:    21000104     addi    r4,r4,4
    80e8:    18800015     stw    r2,0(r3)
    80ec:    18c00104     addi    r3,r3,4
    80f0:    197ffb1e     bne    r3,r5,80e0 <alt_load+0x5c>
    80f4:    01000074     movhi    r4,1
    80f8:    21209d04     addi    r4,r4,-32140
    80fc:    00c00074     movhi    r3,1
    8100:    18e09d04     addi    r3,r3,-32140
    8104:    01400074     movhi    r5,1
    8108:    2960a304     addi    r5,r5,-32116
    810c:    19000626     beq    r3,r4,8128 <alt_load+0xa4>
    8110:    19400526     beq    r3,r5,8128 <alt_load+0xa4>
    8114:    20800017     ldw    r2,0(r4)
    8118:    21000104     addi    r4,r4,4
    811c:    18800015     stw    r2,0(r3)
    8120:    18c00104     addi    r3,r3,4
    8124:    197ffb1e     bne    r3,r5,8114 <alt_load+0x90>
   * Copy the .rwdata section. 

  alt_load_section (&__flash_rwdata_start, 

   * Copy the exception handler.

  alt_load_section (&__flash_exceptions_start, 

   * Copy the .rodata section.

  alt_load_section (&__flash_rodata_start, 
   * Now ensure that the caches are in synch.
    8128:    00081f00     call    81f0 <alt_dcache_flush_all>
    812c:    02000074     movhi    r8,1
    8130:    42208204     addi    r8,r8,-32248
    8134:    dfc00017     ldw    ra,0(sp)
    8138:    dec00104     addi    sp,sp,4
    813c:    4000683a     jmp    r8

00008140 <alt_main>:
 * the users application, i.e. main().

void alt_main (void)
    8140:    deffff04     addi    sp,sp,-4
    8144:    dfc00015     stw    ra,0(sp)

       alt_irq_init (const void* base)
    8148:    000170fa     wrctl    ienable,zero
    814c:    00800044     movi    r2,1
    8150:    1001703a     wrctl    status,r2

  /* ALT LOG - please see HAL/sys/alt_log_printf.h for details */
  ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Entering alt_main, calling alt_irq_init.\r\n");
  /* Initialize the interrupt controller. */
  alt_irq_init (ALT_IRQ_BASE);

  /* Initialize the operating system */
  ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Done alt_irq_init, calling alt_os_init.\r\n");

   * Initialize the semaphore used to control access to the file descriptor
   * list.

  ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Done OS Init, calling alt_sem_create.\r\n");
  ALT_SEM_CREATE (&alt_fd_list_lock, 1);

  /* Initialize the device drivers/software components. */
  ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Calling alt_sys_init.\r\n");
    8154:    00081b80     call    81b8 <alt_sys_init>
  ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Done alt_sys_init.\r\n");


   * Redirect stdio to the apropriate devices now that the devices have
   * been initialized. This is only done if the user has requested these
   * devices be present (not equal to /dev/null) and if direct drivers
   * aren't being used.

    ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Redirecting IO.\r\n");
    alt_io_redirect(ALT_STDOUT, ALT_STDIN, ALT_STDERR);

   * Call the C++ constructors 

  ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Calling C++ constructors.\r\n");
  _do_ctors ();
#endif /* ALT_NO_C_PLUS_PLUS */

#if !defined(ALT_NO_C_PLUS_PLUS) && !defined(ALT_NO_CLEAN_EXIT) && !defined(ALT_NO_EXIT)
   * Set the C++ destructors to be called at system shutdown. This is only done
   * if a clean exit has been requested (i.e. the exit() function has not been
   * redefined as _exit()). This is in the interest of reducing code footprint,
   * in that the atexit() overhead is removed when it's not needed.

  ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Calling atexit.\r\n");
  atexit (_do_dtors);

   * Finally, call main(). The return code is then passed to a subsequent
   * call to exit() unless the application is never supposed to exit.

  ALT_LOG_PRINT_BOOT("[alt_main.c] Calling main.\r\n");

#ifdef ALT_NO_EXIT
  main (alt_argc, alt_argv, alt_envp);
    8158:    d1200217     ldw    r4,-32760(gp)
    815c:    d1600117     ldw    r5,-32764(gp)
    8160:    d1a00017     ldw    r6,-32768(gp)
    8164:    02000074     movhi    r8,1
    8168:    42201b04     addi    r8,r8,-32660
    816c:    dfc00017     ldw    ra,0(sp)
    8170:    dec00104     addi    sp,sp,4
    8174:    4000683a     jmp    r8

00008178 <alt_putstr>:
 * Otherwise, uses newlib provided fputs() routine.
alt_putstr(const char* str)
    8178:    defffe04     addi    sp,sp,-8
    817c:    dc400015     stw    r17,0(sp)
    8180:    dfc00115     stw    ra,4(sp)
    8184:    2023883a     mov    r17,r4
    return ALT_DRIVER_WRITE(ALT_STDOUT_DEV, str, strlen(str), 0);
    8188:    00082540     call    8254 <strlen>
    818c:    880b883a     mov    r5,r17
    8190:    100d883a     mov    r6,r2
    8194:    01000074     movhi    r4,1
    8198:    2120a604     addi    r4,r4,-32104
    819c:    000f883a     mov    r7,zero
    81a0:    02000074     movhi    r8,1
    81a4:    42206f04     addi    r8,r8,-32324
    return fputs(str, stdout);
    81a8:    dfc00117     ldw    ra,4(sp)
    81ac:    dc400017     ldw    r17,0(sp)
    81b0:    dec00204     addi    sp,sp,8
    81b4:    4000683a     jmp    r8

000081b8 <alt_sys_init>:
    81b8:    f800283a     ret

000081bc <altera_avalon_jtag_uart_write>:
  const char * ptr, int count, int flags)
  unsigned int base = sp->base;

  const char * end = ptr + count;
    81bc:    298f883a     add    r7,r5,r6
    81c0:    21000017     ldw    r4,0(r4)

  while (ptr < end)
    81c4:    29c0082e     bgeu    r5,r7,81e8 <altera_avalon_jtag_uart_write+0x2c>
    81c8:    20c00104     addi    r3,r4,4
    81cc:    18800037     ldwio    r2,0(r3)
    81d0:    10bfffec     andhi    r2,r2,65535
    81d4:    10000326     beq    r2,zero,81e4 <altera_avalon_jtag_uart_write+0x28>
    81d8:    28800007     ldb    r2,0(r5)
    81dc:    20800035     stwio    r2,0(r4)
    81e0:    29400044     addi    r5,r5,1
    81e4:    29fff936     bltu    r5,r7,81cc <altera_avalon_jtag_uart_write+0x10>

  return count;
    81e8:    3005883a     mov    r2,r6
    81ec:    f800283a     ret

000081f0 <alt_dcache_flush_all>:
  char* i;
  for (i = (char*) 0; i < (char*) NIOS2_DCACHE_SIZE; i+= NIOS2_DCACHE_LINE_SIZE)
    81f0:    0005883a     mov    r2,zero
    81f4:    00c1ffc4     movi    r3,2047
    __asm__ volatile ("flushd (%0)" :: "r" (i));
    81f8:    1000003b     flushd    0(r2)
    81fc:    10800804     addi    r2,r2,32
    8200:    18bffd2e     bgeu    r3,r2,81f8 <alt_dcache_flush_all+0x8>
    8204:    f800283a     ret

00008208 <alt_icache_flush_all>:

void alt_icache_flush_all (void)
  alt_icache_flush (0, NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE);
    8208:    0009883a     mov    r4,zero
    820c:    01440004     movi    r5,4096
    8210:    02000074     movhi    r8,1
    8214:    42208704     addi    r8,r8,-32228
    8218:    4000683a     jmp    r8

0000821c <alt_icache_flush>:
   * This is the most we would ever need to flush.
  if (len > NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE)
    821c:    00840004     movi    r2,4096
    8220:    1140012e     bgeu    r2,r5,8228 <alt_icache_flush+0xc>
    len = NIOS2_ICACHE_SIZE;
    8224:    100b883a     mov    r5,r2

  end = ((char*) start) + len;
    8228:    214b883a     add    r5,r4,r5

  for (i = start; i < end; i+= NIOS2_ICACHE_LINE_SIZE)
    822c:    2007883a     mov    r3,r4
    8230:    1940032e     bgeu    r3,r5,8240 <alt_icache_flush+0x24>
    __asm__ volatile ("flushi %0" :: "r" (i)); 
    8234:    1800603a     flushi    r3
    8238:    18c00804     addi    r3,r3,32
    823c:    197ffd36     bltu    r3,r5,8234 <alt_icache_flush+0x18>

   * For an unaligned flush request, we've got one more line left.
   * Note that this is dependent on NIOS2_ICACHE_LINE_SIZE to be a 
   * multiple of 2 (which it always is).

  if (((alt_u32) start) & (NIOS2_ICACHE_LINE_SIZE - 1))
    8240:    208007cc     andi    r2,r4,31
    8244:    10000126     beq    r2,zero,824c <alt_icache_flush+0x30>
    __asm__ volatile ("flushi %0" :: "r" (i));
    8248:    1800603a     flushi    r3

   * Having flushed the cache, flush any stale instructions in the 
   * pipeline 

  __asm__ volatile ("flushp");
    824c:    0000203a     flushp
    8250:    f800283a     ret

00008254 <strlen>:
    8254:    20800007     ldb    r2,0(r4)
    8258:    2007883a     mov    r3,r4
    825c:    10000326     beq    r2,zero,826c <strlen+0x18>
    8260:    21000044     addi    r4,r4,1
    8264:    20800007     ldb    r2,0(r4)
    8268:    103ffd1e     bne    r2,zero,8260 <strlen+0xc>
    826c:    20c5c83a     sub    r2,r4,r3
    8270:    f800283a     ret

Data Section Contents

000274 6c6c6548 7266206f 4e206d6f 20736f69  >Hello from Nios <
000284 0a214949 00000000 00000000 00000000  >II!.............<
000294 00000000 00011030                    >....0...<

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated Wed Jan 16 22:16:42 2008