Drag Demo

Download: Drag.jar

Drag the ball around on the applet to the left. The source for this program is given below. It's written as both an applet (subclass JApplet) and application (it has a main method). The two source files are given below.

The image is drawn with the Graphics method (fillOval), but an image could be easily displayed.


Drag Demo


HTML Applet tag

<applet code="DragDemo.class" archive="Drag.jar" width=200


01: /** DragDemo.java - Mouse drag example dual application/applet
02:     @author Fred Swartz
03:     @version 2004-04-15
04: */
05: // "appletviewer DragDemo.java" works because of the following line.
06: // <applet code="DragDemo.class" height="200" width="200"></applet>
07: import java.awt.*;
08: import java.awt.event.*;
09: import javax.swing.*;
10: import javax.swing.event.*;
12: /** This is an application because it has a main method.
13:     It's also an applet because it extends JApplet.
14: */
16: public class DragDemo extends JApplet {
17:     public static void main(String[] args) {
18:         JFrame window = new JFrame();
19:         window.setTitle("Drag Demo");
20:         window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
21:         window.setContentPane(new DragBallPanel());
22:         window.pack();
23:         window.setVisible(true);
24:     }
26:     public DragDemo() {
27:         this.setContentPane(new DragBallPanel());
28:     }
29: }


01: /** DragBallPanel.java - Panel that allows dragging a ball around.
02:     @author Fred Swartz
03:     @version 2004-04-15
04: */
06: import java.awt.*;
07: import java.awt.event.*;
08: import javax.swing.*;
10: /** When the mousePressed listener is called to position is tested
11:     to see if it's in the area of the ball.  If it is, 
12:     (1) _canDrag is set true meaning pay attention to the MouseDragged events.  
13:     (2) Record where in the ball (relative to the upper left coordinates) 
14:         the mouse was clicked, because it looks best if we drag from there.
15: */
17: public class DragBallPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
19:     private static final int BALL_DIAMETER = 40; // Diameter of ball
20:     //--- instance variables
21:     /** Ball coords.  Changed by mouse listeners.  Used by paintComponent. */
22:     private int _ballX     = 50;   // x coord - set from drag
23:     private int _ballY     = 50;   // y coord - set from drag
25:     /** Position in ball of mouse press to make dragging look better. */
26:     private int _dragFromX = 0;    // pressed this far inside ball's
27:     private int _dragFromY = 0;    // bounding box.
29:     /** true means mouse was pressed in ball and still in panel.*/
30:     private boolean _canDrag  = false;
32:     /** Constructor sets size, colors, and adds mouse listeners.*/
33:     public DragBallPanel() {
34:         setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200));
35:         setBackground(Color.blue);
36:         setForeground(Color.yellow);
37:         //--- Add the mouse listeners.
38:         this.addMouseListener(this); 
39:         this.addMouseMotionListener(this);
40:     }
42:     /** Ball is drawn at the last recorded mouse listener coordinates. */
43:     public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
44:         super.paintComponent(g);   // Required for background.
45:         g.fillOval(_ballX, _ballY, BALL_DIAMETER, BALL_DIAMETER);
46:     }//end paintComponent
48:     /** Set _canDrag if the click is in the ball (or in the bounding
49:         box, which is lazy, but close enuf for this program).
50:         Remember displacement (dragFromX and Y) in the ball
51:         to use as relative point to display while dragging.
52:     */
53:     public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
54:         int x = e.getX();   // Save the x coord of the click
55:         int y = e.getY();   // Save the y coord of the click
57:         if (x >= _ballX && x <= (_ballX + BALL_DIAMETER)
58:               && y >= _ballY && y <= (_ballY + BALL_DIAMETER)) {
59:             _canDrag = true;
60:             _dragFromX = x - _ballX;  // how far from left
61:             _dragFromY = y - _ballY;  // how far from top
62:         } else {
63:             _canDrag = false;
64:         }
65:     }
68:     /** Set x,y  to mouse position and repaint. */
69:     public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
70:         if (_canDrag) {   // True only if button was pressed inside ball.
71:             //--- Ball pos from mouse and original click displacement
72:             _ballX = e.getX() - _dragFromX;
73:             _ballY = e.getY() - _dragFromY;
75:             //--- Don't move the ball off the screen sides
76:             _ballX = Math.max(_ballX, 0);
77:             _ballX = Math.min(_ballX, getWidth() - BALL_DIAMETER);
79:             //--- Don't move the ball off top or bottom
80:             _ballY = Math.max(_ballY, 0);
81:             _ballY = Math.min(_ballY, getHeight() - BALL_DIAMETER);
83:             this.repaint(); // Repaint because position changed.
84:         }
85:     }
87:     /** Turn off dragging if mouse exits panel. */
88:     public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
89:         _canDrag = false;
90:     }
92:     public void mouseMoved   (MouseEvent e) {}  // ignore these events
93:     public void mouseEntered (MouseEvent e) {}  // ignore these events
94:     public void mouseClicked (MouseEvent e) {}  // ignore these events
95:     public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}  // ignore these events
96: }

Maintained by John Loomis, updated Tue Mar 25 13:15:46 2008