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gates1 is a gate-level logic simulator built on top of the circuit and device objects contstructed for analog circuit analysis.

One problem with this version is that new node values are used immediately each cycle. This makes the evaluation order sensitive. A better way would be to not alter node values until the end of each evaluation cycle.

This is a Java version of an earlier C++ project.


001: //
003: import*;
004: import java.util.ArrayList;
007: // This class is a modified version of
008: public class gates1 {
010:     static public void main(String args[])
011:     {
012:         String filename;
013:         FileInputStream instream;
014:         BufferedReader in;
016:         if (args.length < 1) {
017:             System.err.println("usage: java gates1 source");
018:             System.exit(0);
019:         }
020:         try {
021:             filename = args[0];
022:             instream = new FileInputStream(filename);
023:             in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(instream));
024:             Circuit ckt = new Circuit();
025:   ;
026:             in.close();
027:             System.out.println("\nDevice list:\n");
028:             ckt.list_devices();
029:             ckt.build_node_list();
030:             System.out.println("\nNode list:\n");
031:             ckt.list_nodes();
032:             if (ckt.inputs!=null || ckt.outputs!= null) System.out.println("\n\n");
033:             if (ckt.inputs!=null) show("inputs",ckt.inputs);
034:             if (ckt.outputs!=null) show("outputs",ckt.outputs);
035:             showTable(ckt);
036:         } catch (IOException e) {  
037:                  System.out.println( e);
038:         }
039:     }
041:     static void show(String name, String vals[])
042:     {
043:         int j, nvals;
044:         String str = name;
045:         for (String val: vals) str += "\t" + val;
046:         System.out.println(str);
047:     }
049:     static void showTable(Circuit ckt)
050:     {
051:         String [] inputs = ckt.inputs;
052:         String [] outputs = ckt.outputs;
053:         int ninp = inputs.length;
054:         int noup = outputs.length;
055:         int ncases = (int) Math.pow(2,ninp);
056:         int j, k, v;
057:         String str = "";
058:         System.out.println("\n");
059:         for (j=0; j<ninp; j++) {
060:             if (j>0) str += "\t" + inputs[j];
061:             else str = inputs[j];
062:         }
063:         for (j=0; j<noup; j++) str += "\t" + outputs[j];
064:         System.out.println(str + "\tcycles\tmax_changed");
066:         Node [] input_nodes = new Node[ninp];
067:         ArrayList<Node> changed_in = new ArrayList<Node>();
068:         ArrayList<Node> changed_out = new ArrayList<Node>();
069:         for (j=0; j<ninp; j++) {
070:             Node node = ckt.find_node(inputs[j]);
071:             if (node==null) System.err.printf("node %s not found\n",inputs[j]);
072:             input_nodes[j] = node;
073:         }
075:         Node [] output_nodes = new Node[noup];
076:         for (j=0; j<noup; j++) {
077:             Node node = ckt.find_node(outputs[j]);
078:             if (node==null) System.err.printf("node %s not found\n",outputs[j]);
079:             output_nodes[j] = node;
080:         }
081:         // cycle through the possible input values (for a truth table)
082:         for (k=0; k<ncases; k++) {
083:             for (j = 0; j<ninp; j++) {
084:                 v = (k>>(ninp-1-j))&1;
085:                 if (j>0) str += "\t" + v;
086:                 else str = "" + v;
087:                 Node node = input_nodes[j];
088:                 node.setValue(v);
089:                 changed_in.add(node);
091:             }
093:             // evaluate the circuit until nothing changes
094:             int ncycles, change;
095:             ncycles = 0;
096:             change = ckt.eval(changed_in,changed_out);
097:             int max_change = change;        
098:             while (change>0) {
099:                 ncycles++;
100:                 changed_in.clear();
101:                 changed_in.addAll(changed_out);
102:                 changed_out.clear();
103:                 change = ckt.eval(changed_in,changed_out);
104:                 if (change>max_change) max_change = change;
105:             }
107:             // print the output values
108:             for (j=0; j<noup; j++) str += "\t" + output_nodes[j].getLogic();
109:             System.out.println(str + "\t" + ncycles + "\t" + max_change);
110:         }
111:     }
113: }

001: import java.util.ArrayList;
004: public class Gate extends Device
005: {
006:     Gate(int n)
007:     {
008:         super(n);
009:     }
011:     int eval(ArrayList<Node> nodes, ArrayList<Node> changed) { return -1; }
013:     // This version is like Device, except there is no "value" field.
014:     public String toString()
015:     {
016:         String str = getCode() + "\t" + name;
017:         for (String s: nodes) str += "\t" + s;
018:         return str;
019:     }
021:     public static Device getNewDevice(String type)
022:     {
023:         if (type.equals(Inverter.code)) return new Inverter();
024:         if (type.equals(And.code)) return new And();
025:         if (type.equals(Or.code)) return new Or();
026:         if (type.equals(Nand.code)) return new Nand();
027:         if (type.equals(Nor.code)) return new Nor();
028:         if (type.equals(Xor.code)) return new Xor();
029:         return null;
030:     }
032:     static int aoi(Node arg[], int in, int out)
033:     {
034:         double result = (out>0? 0: 1);
035:         double vin = in;
036:         for (int i=1; i<3; i++) {
037:             Node node = arg[i];
038:             if (node.isUnknown()) result = 0.5;
039:             else if (node.equals(vin)) {
040:                 result = out;
041:                 break;
042:             }
043:         }
044:         if (arg[0].equals(result)) return 0;
045:         arg[0].setValue(result);
046:         return 1;
047:     }
048: }
050: class Inverter extends Gate {
051:     final static String code = "INV";
052:     Inverter() {
053:         super(2);
054:     }
055:     String getType() { return "inverter"; }
056:     String getCode() { return Inverter.code; }
057:     int eval(ArrayList<Node> nodes, ArrayList<Node> changed)
058:     {
059:         Node inp = nodes.get(ndx[0]);
060:         Node oup = nodes.get(ndx[1]);
061:         double vout = 0.5;
062:         if (inp.isLow()) vout = 1.0;
063:         else if (inp.isHigh()) vout = 0.0;
064:         if (oup.equals(vout)) return 0;
065:         oup.setValue(vout);
066:         changed.add(oup);
067:         return 1;
068:     }
069: }
071: class And extends Gate {
072:     final static String code = "AND";
073:     And() {
074:         super(3);
075:     }
076:     String getType() { return "and"; }
077:     String getCode() { return And.code; }
078:     int eval(ArrayList<Node> nodes, ArrayList<Node> changed)
079:     {
080:         Node arg[] = new Node[3];
081:         for (int i=0; i<3; i++) arg[i] = nodes.get(ndx[i]);
082:         int iret = Gate.aoi(arg,0,0);
083:         if (iret>0) changed.add(arg[0]);
084:         return iret;
085:     }
086: }
089: class Or extends Gate {
090:     final static String code = "OR";
091:     Or() {
092:         super(3);
093:     }
094:     String getType() { return "or"; }
095:     String getCode() { return Or.code; }
096:     int eval(ArrayList<Node> nodes, ArrayList<Node> changed)
097:     {
098:         Node arg[] = new Node[3];
099:         for (int i=0; i<3; i++) arg[i] = nodes.get(ndx[i]);
100:         int iret = Gate.aoi(arg,1,1);
101:         if (iret>0) changed.add(arg[0]);
102:         return iret;
103:     }
104: }
106: class Nand extends Gate {
107:     final static String code = "NAND";
108:     Nand() {
109:         super(3);
110:     }
111:     String getType() { return "nand"; }
112:     String getCode() { return Nand.code; }
113:     int eval(ArrayList<Node> nodes, ArrayList<Node> changed)
114:     {
115:         Node arg[] = new Node[3];
116:         for (int i=0; i<3; i++) arg[i] = nodes.get(ndx[i]);
117:         int iret = Gate.aoi(arg,0,1);
118:         if (iret>0) changed.add(arg[0]);
119:         return iret;
120:     }
121: }
123: class Nor extends Gate {
124:     final static String code = "NOR";
125:     Nor() {
126:         super(3);
127:     }
128:     String getType() { return "nor"; }
129:     String getCode() { return Nor.code; }
130:     int eval(ArrayList<Node> nodes, ArrayList<Node> changed)
131:     {
132:         Node arg[] = new Node[3];
133:         for (int i=0; i<3; i++) arg[i] = nodes.get(ndx[i]);
134:         int iret = Gate.aoi(arg,1,0);
135:         if (iret>0) changed.add(arg[0]);
136:         return iret;
137:     }
138: }
140: class Xor extends Gate {
141:     final static String code = "XOR";
142:     Xor() {
143:         super(3);
144:     }
145:     String getType() { return "xor"; }
146:     String getCode() { return Xor.code; }
147:     int eval(ArrayList<Node> nodes, ArrayList<Node> changed)
148:     {
149:         Node arg[] = new Node[3];
150:         for (int i=0; i<3; i++) arg[i] = nodes.get(ndx[i]);
151:         double result = 0.5;
152:         if (arg[1].isLow() && arg[2].isLow()) result = 0.0;
153:         else if (arg[1].isHigh() && arg[2].isHigh()) result = 0.0;
154:         else if (arg[1].isUnknown() || arg[2].isUnknown()) result = 0.5;
155:         else result = 1.0;
156:         if (arg[0].equals(result)) return 0;
157:         arg[0].setValue(result);
158:         changed.add(arg[0]);
159:         return 1;
160:     }
161: }

01: import java.util.ArrayList;
03: public class Node
04: {
05:     String name;
06:     int index;
07:     double value;
08:     static final double high = 0.7;
09:     static final double low = 0.3;
10:     ArrayList<Device> devices;
11:     Node(String str) {
12:         name = str;
13:         value = 0.5;
14:         index = 0;
15:         devices = new ArrayList<Device>();
16:     }
18:     public String toString()
19:     {
20:         String str = name;
21:         for (Device d: devices) str += "\t" +;
22:         return str;
23:     }
24:     public double getValue() { return value; }
25:     public void setValue(double v) { value = v; }
26:     public boolean isLow() { return value<low; }
27:     public boolean isHigh() { return value>high; }
28:     // returns true is value is neither low or high
29:     public boolean isUnknown()
30:     {
31:         if (isLow()) return false;
32:         return !isHigh();
33:     }
34:     public boolean equals(double v) { return (Math.abs(value-v)<1e-5); }
35:     public char getLogic()
36:     {
37:         if (isLow()) return '0';
38:         else if (isHigh()) return '1';
39:         else return 'X';
40:     }
41: }

01: import java.util.ArrayList;
03: public abstract class Device {
04:     String name;
05:     String [] nodes;
06:     int [] ndx;
07:     double value;
09:     Device(int n)
10:     {
11:         nodes = new String[n];
12:         ndx = new int[n];
13:         value = 0.0;
14:     }
16:     String getType() { return "device"; }
17:     String getCode() { return "device_code"; }
19:     public void parse(String tok[])
20:     {
21:         name = tok[1];
22:         int j, n, ntokens;
23:         ntokens = tok.length;
24:         n = nodes.length;
25:         if (ntokens < n+2) {
26:             System.out.printf("%d tokens %d needed\n",ntokens,n+2);
27:             System.err.println("Input error - device has insufficient nodes");
28:         }
29:         for (j=0; j<n; j++) nodes[j] = tok[2+j];
30:         n += 2;
31:         if (ntokens<=n) return;
32:         // logic may not have a value, but it might have an orientation
33:         value = parseValue(tok[n]);     
34:     }
36:     public String toString()
37:     {
38:         String str = getType() + " " + getCode() + " " + name;
39:         for (String s: nodes) str += " " + s;
40:         str += " " + value;
41:         return str;
42:     }
44:     static public double parseValue(String str)
45:     {
46:         final String suffix = "afpnumkKMGT";
47:         final double scales[] = {1e-18, 1e-15, 1e-12, 1e-9, 1e-6, 1e-3, 1e3, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 1e12};
48:         char [] chars = str.toCharArray();
49:         int n = chars.length;
50:         while (n>0) {
51:             if (!Character.isLetter(chars[n-1])) break;
52:             n--;
53:         }
54:         double v;
55:         try {
56:             if (n<chars.length) {
57:                 v = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(0,n));
58:                 //System.out.printf("value %g suffix %s\n",v,str.substring(n));
59:                 n = suffix.indexOf(chars[n]);
60:                 if (n<0) return v;
61:                 else v *= scales[n];
62:             }
63:             else v = Double.parseDouble(str);
64:         }
65:         catch (NumberFormatException e) {
66:             System.out.println(e);
67:             v = 0.0;
68:         }
69:         return v;
70:     }
71: }

001: import*;
002: import java.util.ArrayList;
004: public class Circuit
005: {
006:     String name;
007:     Node ref;
008:     ArrayList<Node> nodes;
009:     ArrayList<Device> devices;
010:     String [] inputs;
011:     String [] outputs;
013:     Circuit()
014:     {
015:         ref = new Node("0");
016:         devices = new ArrayList<Device>();
017:         nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
018:     }
020:     public void read(BufferedReader inr) {
021:         LineNumberReader in = new LineNumberReader(inr);
022:         boolean done = false;
023:         while (!done) {
024:             int n = in.getLineNumber();
025:             try {
026:                 String inp = in.readLine();
027:                 if (inp==null) break;
028:                 System.out.println("Line " + n + ":  " + inp);
029:                 String [] str = inp.split("%"); // terminate at comment character
030:                 String [] tokens = str[0].split("\\s+");
031:                 if (tokens.length>1) {
032:                     // This version just does gates
033:                     Device d = Gate.getNewDevice(tokens[0]);
034:                     if (d!=null) {
035:                         d.parse(tokens);
036:                         devices.add(d);
037:                     }
038:                     else if (tokens[0].equals("inputs")) inputs = saveTokens(tokens);
039:                     else if (tokens[0].equals("outputs")) outputs = saveTokens(tokens);
040:                     else System.out.println("Device not recognized: " + tokens[0] );
041:                 }
042:             }
043:             catch (IOException e) {
044:                 System.out.println(e);
045:             }
046:         }
047:         System.out.println();
048:     }
050:     String [] saveTokens(String tokens[])
051:     {
052:         int i, ntokens;
053:         ntokens = tokens.length;
054:         String [] list = new String[ntokens-1];
055:         for (i=1; i<ntokens; i++) list[i-1] = tokens[i];
056:         return list;
057:     }
059:     Node find_node(String str)
060:     {
061:         int ncount = nodes.size();
062:         for (int j=0; j<ncount; j++) {
063:             Node node = nodes.get(j);
064:             if ( return node;
065:         }
066:         return null;
067:     }
070:     int add_node(String str, Device dev)
071:     {
072:         int i;
073:         Node node;
074:         int ncount = nodes.size();
075:         for (i=0; i<ncount; i++) {
076:             node = nodes.get(i);
077:             if ( {
078:                 node.devices.add(dev);
079:                 return i;
080:             }
081:         }
082:         node = new Node(str);
083:         nodes.add(node);
084:         node.devices.add(dev);
085:         return ncount;
086:     }
088:     void build_node_list()
089:     {
090:         int i, j;
091:         Device dev;
092:         int ndevices = devices.size();
093:         for (i=0; i<ndevices; i++) {
094:             dev = devices.get(i);
095:             int nodecount = dev.nodes.length;
096:             for (j=0; j<nodecount; j++) dev.ndx[j] = add_node(dev.nodes[j],dev);
097:         }
098:     }
100:     void list_nodes()
101:     {
102:         for (Node node: nodes) System.out.println(node);
103:         /*
104:         int i;
105:         int ncount = nodes.size();
106:         for (i=0; i<ncount; i++) {
107:             Node node =  nodes.get(i);
108:             System.out.printf("%d\t %s\n",i,node);
109:         }
110:         */
111:     }
114:     void list_devices()
115:     {
116:         for (Device d: devices) System.out.println(d);
117:     }
119:     int eval(ArrayList<Node> changed_in, ArrayList<Node> changed_out)
120:     {
121:         ArrayList<Gate> devices = new ArrayList<Gate>(0);
122:         Gate gate;
123:         for (Node node: changed_in) {
124:             for (Device dev: node.devices) {
125:                 gate = (Gate) dev;
126:                 // we only evaluate gates
127:                 if (!dev.getClass().isInstance(gate)) continue;
128:                 if (!devices.contains(gate)) devices.add(gate);
129:             }
130:         }
131:         for (Gate dev: devices) dev.eval(nodes,changed_out);
132:         return changed_out.size();
133:     }
134: }


Line 0:  % simple gates
Line 1:  INV g1 A out1
Line 2:  AND g2 out2 A B
Line 3:  OR  g3 out3 A B
Line 4:  inputs A B
Line 5:  outputs out1 out2 out3

Device list:

INV	g1	A	out1
AND	g2	out2	A	B
OR	g3	out3	A	B

Node list:

A	g1	g2	g3
out1	g1
out2	g2
B	g2	g3
out3	g3

inputs	A	B
outputs	out1	out2	out3

A	B	out1	out2	out3	cycles	max_changed
0	0	1	0	0	1	3
0	1	1	0	1	1	1
1	0	0	0	1	1	1
1	1	0	1	1	1	1

Line 0:  % simple gates
Line 1:  NAND g1 out1 A B
Line 2:  NOR  g2 out2 A B
Line 3:  XOR  g3 out3 A B
Line 4:  inputs A B
Line 5:  outputs out1 out2 out3

Device list:

NAND	g1	out1	A	B
NOR	g2	out2	A	B
XOR	g3	out3	A	B

Node list:

out1	g1
A	g1	g2	g3
B	g1	g2	g3
out2	g2
out3	g3

inputs	A	B
outputs	out1	out2	out3

A	B	out1	out2	out3	cycles	max_changed
0	0	1	1	0	1	3
0	1	1	0	1	1	2
1	0	1	0	1	0	0
1	1	0	0	0	1	2


Line 0:  % simple gates
Line 1:  INV  g1 A not_A
Line 2:  INV  g2 B not_B
Line 3:  AND  g3 w1 A not_B
Line 4:  AND  g4 w2 B not_A
Line 5:  OR   g5 out1 w1 w2
Line 6:  XOR  g6 out2 A B
Line 7:  inputs A B
Line 8:  outputs out1 out2
Line 9:  

Device list:

INV	g1	A	not_A
INV	g2	B	not_B
AND	g3	w1	A	not_B
AND	g4	w2	B	not_A
OR	g5	out1	w1	w2
XOR	g6	out2	A	B

Node list:

A	g1	g3	g6
not_A	g1	g4
B	g2	g4	g6
not_B	g2	g3
w1	g3	g5
w2	g4	g5
out1	g5
out2	g6

inputs	A	B
outputs	out1	out2

A	B	out1	out2	cycles	max_changed
0	0	0	0	2	5
0	1	1	1	2	3
1	0	1	1	2	3
1	1	0	0	3	2

Maintained by John Loomis, updated Sun Mar 23 21:28:32 2008