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netlist2 tests some parsing routine for netlist files.



CFLAGS= /EHsc /W4 /nologo

netlist2.exe: netlist2.cpp strtoken.cpp strtrm.cpp
	cl $(CFLAGS) netlist2.cpp strtoken.cpp strtrm.cpp


01: #include <stdio.h>
02: #include <stdlib.h>
03: #include <string>
04: using namespace std;
07: char *strtrm(char *str, char delimiter);
08: char *strtoken(char* &inp, char delimiter);
12: void netlist2(FILE *in);
15: int main(int argc, char *argv[])
16: {
17:         char *filename;
18:         FILE *in;
19:         if (argc>1) {
20:                 filename = argv[1];
21:                 errno_t nerr = fopen_s(&in,filename,"r");
22:                 if (nerr) {
23:                         printf("file: %s not found\n",filename);
24:                         return EXIT_FAILURE;
25:                 }
26:         }
27:         else {
28:                 filename = "stdin";
29:                 in = stdin;
30:         }
31:         netlist2(in);
32:         fclose(in);
33:         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
34: }
36: void netlist2(FILE *in)
37: {
38:         char buf[512];
39:         char *inp, *token;
40:         bool done = false;
41:         int lines = 0;
42:         while (!done) {
43:                 fgets(buf,511,in);
44:                 if (feof(in)) return;
45:                 lines++;
46:                 strtrm(buf,'\n'); // terminate at newline character
47:                 printf("line %d: %s\n",lines, buf);
48:                 strtrm(buf,'%'); // terminate at comment character
49:                 int n=0;
50:                 inp = buf;
51:                 string tok[16];
52:                 while ((token=strtoken(inp,' '))!=0) {
53:                         tok[n++] = token;
54:                         printf("token %d: %s\n",n,token);
55:                 }
56:         }
57: }


char *strtoken(char* &str, char delimiter)

skips whitespace and returns next token (or null pointer)

str input c-string (modified to point to character after the delimiter)
delimiter marks the end of a token (usually a blank)
retval c-string to character following the delimiter

The delimiter character in the input string is replaced by a null character.

01: /* \file strtoken.cpp
02: *
03: */
04: #include <stdio.h>
05: #include <stdlib.h>
07: //! skips whitespace and returns next token (or null pointer)
08: /*!
09:  * \param str is input c-string (modified to point to character after
10:  * delimiter
11:  * \param delimiter marks the end of a token (usually a blank)
12:  * \retval c-string pointing to start of delimiter.
13:  * The delimiter character in the input string is replaced by a null
14:  * character.
15:  */
17: char *strtoken(char* &str, char delimiter)
18: {
19:         //char *str = *inp;
20:         if (str==0) return 0;
21:         while (*str == ' ') str++; // skip whitespace
22:         //*inp = str;
23:         if (*str==0) return 0;
24:         char *token = str;
25:         while (*str && *str!=delimiter) str++;
26:         if (*str) *str++ = 0; // substitute null for delimiter to terminate token
27:         //*inp = str;
28:         return token;
29: }


char *strtrm(char *str, char delimiter)
terminates string at specified character

This routine terminates a string at the specified character and returns a c-string pointer to the character following the delimiter.

str input c-string
delimiter marks the end of a token
retval c-string to character following the delimiter

For example: Suppose the string str = "name=value"; then

  char * token = strtrm(str,"=");
would return "value" as the token, but str would now be "name" since the character '=' is replaced by a null.

01: /* util.cpp
02: *
03: */
04: #include <stdio.h>
05: #include <stdlib.h>
06: //#include "util.h"
08: //! terminates string at specified character
09: /*! This routine terminates a string at the specified character and
10: *   returns a c-string pointer to the character following the delimiter.
11: *   @param str input c-string
12: *   @retval c-string to character following the delimiter
13: *
14: *   For example: Suppose the string str = "name=value";
15: *   then char * token = strtrm(str,"=");
16: *   would return "value" as the token, but str would now be "name" since
17: *   the character '=' is replaced by a null.
18: */
20: char *strtrm(char *str, char delimiter)
21: {
22:         if (str==0) return 0;
23:         while (*str && *str!=delimiter) str++;
24:         if (*str==0) return 0;
25:         *str++ = 0;
26:         return str;
27: }
30: //! count occurences of specified character in a string.
32: int strcnt(char *str, char delimiter)
33: {
34:         int n = 0;
35:         while (*str) {
36:                 if (*str++ == delimiter) n++;
37:         }
38:         return n;
39: }
41: //! return pointer to character after delimiter, ignoring quoted text
42: /*!
43:  *  This routine returns a pointer (c-string) to character after the
44:  *  delimiter, ignoring text between quotes. Returns null if delimiter not found.
45: */
47: char *strqtrm(char *str, char delimiter)
48: {
49:         if (str==0) return 0;
50:         while (*str && *str!=delimiter) {
51:                 if (*str=='\"') {
52:                         str++;
53:                         while (*str && *str!='\"') str++;
54:                         if (*str==0) return 0;
55:                 }
56:                 str++;
57:         }
58:         if (*str==0) return 0;
59:         *str++ = 0;
60:         return str;
61: }
64: //!  convert two digit hex string to an ASCII character
66: char x2c(char *str)
67: {
68:     char digit;
69:         /* The operation (*str & 0xdf) converts lower case to upper case */
70:     digit = (*str >= 'A' ? ((*str & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (*str - '0'));
71:     digit *= 16;
72:         str++;
73:     digit += (*str >= 'A' ? ((*str & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (*str - '0'));
74:     return(digit);
75: }
77: //! convert '+' to ' ' and two digit hex escape sequences to ASCII character
79: void unescape_url(char *url)
80: {
81:         char *cp;
82:         for (cp=url; *url; cp++, url++) {
83:                 if (*url == '+') *cp = ' ';
84:                 else if (*url == '%') {
85:                         *cp = x2c(url+1);
86:                         url += 2;
87:                 }
88:                 else *cp = *url;
89:         }
90:         *cp = '\0';
91: }


Example 1

Input (

% This is a test of circuit file parser
R  R1  N_2 N_1 3k
R  R2  N_2 N_3 4MEG
V  V1  N_1 N_3  5
R  R3  N_3  0   2

Run netlist2 > test.txt


line 1: % This is a test of circuit file parser
line 2: R  R1  N_2 N_1 3k
token 1: R
token 2: R1
token 3: N_2
token 4: N_1
token 5: 3k
line 3: R  R2  N_2 N_3 4MEG
token 1: R
token 2: R2
token 3: N_2
token 4: N_3
token 5: 4MEG
line 4: V  V1  N_1 N_3  5
token 1: V
token 2: V1
token 3: N_1
token 4: N_3
token 5: 5
line 5: R  R3  N_3  0   2
token 1: R
token 2: R3
token 3: N_3
token 4: 0
token 5: 2

Maintained by John Loomis, updated Tue Feb 19 22:08:03 2008