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01: import java.awt.*;
02: import javax.swing.*;
03: import java.util.*;
05: public class GameBoard extends JApplet
06: {
07:     Game panel;
08:     public void init()
09:     {
10:         EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
11:             public void run()
12:             {
13:                 panel = new Game();
14:                 add(panel);
15:             }
16:         });
17:     }
19:     public void start() {
20:         panel.start();
21:     }
23:     public void stop() {
24:         panel.stop();
25:     }
27:     public static void main(String args[]) {
28:         Game game = new Game();
29:         game.start();
30:         JFrame application = new JFrame("GameBoard");
31:         application.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
32:         application.add(game);
33:         application.setSize(412,425);
34:         application.setVisible(true);
35:     }
37: }

001: import*;
002: import*;
003: import java.awt.Graphics;
004: import java.awt.event.*;
005: import javax.swing.*;
006: import javax.swing.Timer;
007: import java.util.*;
009: public class Game extends JPanel {
010:     ArrayList<Player> players;
012:         public Game ()
013:         {
014:                 players = new ArrayList<Player>();
015:         }
017:     public void showPlayers()
018:     {
019:         for (Player p: players) System.out.println(p);
020:     }
022:     public void getStatus() {
023:         URL url;
024:         String name;
025:         name = "";
026:         char quote = '"';
028:         String inp;
029:         String modified, player, status;
030:         try {
031:             url = new URL(name);
032:             BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); //open input URL
033:             boolean done = false;
034:             while (!done) {
035:                 inp = in.readLine();  //read line from input, and parse as desired
036:                 if (inp==null) break;
037:                 //System.out.println("input: " + inp);
038:                 if (inp.charAt(0) != '"') continue;
039:                 modified = inp.substring(1,20);
040:                 inp = inp.substring(21);
041:                 int n1, n2, cc2;
042:                 n1 = inp.indexOf(quote);
043:                 n2 = inp.substring(n1+1).indexOf(quote);
044:                 player = inp.substring(n1+1,n1+n2+1);
045:                 inp = inp.substring(n1+n2+2);
046:                 StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(inp);
047:                 String str;
048:                 int id = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
049:                 int r = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
050:                 int g = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
051:                 int b = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
052:                 double px = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken());
053:                 double py = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken());
054:                 double vx = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken());
055:                 double vy = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken());
056:                 str = tokens.nextToken();
057:                 str = str.substring(1,str.length()-1);
058:                 boolean found = false;
059:                 for (Player p: players) {
060:                     if (!=id) continue;
061:                     found = true;
062:                     break;
063:                 }
064:                 if (found) continue;
065:                 Player p = new Player(id,player,str);
066:                 p.setColor(r,g,b);
067:                 p.setPosition(px,py);
068:                 p.setVelocity(vx,vy);
069:                 players.add(p);
070:             }
071:             in.close();     //when done, close the input
072:         }
073:         catch (MalformedURLException e) {  //catch errors
074:             System.out.println(e);
075:         }
076:         catch (IOException e) {
077:             System.out.println(e);
078:         }
079:     }
081:     public  void getMove() {
082:         URL url;
083:         String name;
084:         name = "";
085:         char quote = '"';
087:         String inp;
088:         try {
089:                 //player tempPlayer=new player(); //current working player
090:             url = new URL(name);
091:             BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); //open input URL
092:             boolean done = false;
093:             while (!done) {
094:                 inp = in.readLine();  //read line from input, and parse as desired
095:                 if (inp==null) break;
096:                 //System.out.println("input: " + inp);
097:                 if (!inp.startsWith("id")) continue;
098:                 StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(inp);
099:                 String str;
100:                 tokens.nextToken();
101:                 int id = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
102:                 double px = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken());
103:                 double py = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken());
104:                 double vx = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken());
105:                 double vy = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken());
106:                 //System.out.printf("id %d pos (%g, %g)\n",id,px,py);
107:                 for (Player p: players) {
108:                     if ( != id) continue;
109:                     p.setPosition(px,py);
110:                     p.setVelocity(vx,vy);
111:                     break;
112:                 }
113:             }
114:             in.close();     //when done, close the input
115:         }
116:         catch (MalformedURLException e) {  //catch errors
117:             System.out.println(e);
118:         }
119:         catch (IOException e) {
120:             System.out.println(e);
121:         }
122:     }
124:     public static void main(String[] args) {
125:         Game game = new Game();
126:         game.getStatus();
127:         game.getMove();
128:         game.showPlayers();
129:     }
132:     private Timer myTimer;
133:     public void start() {
134:         myTimer = new Timer(1000,new TimerHandler() ); //create our timer
135:         myTimer.start(); //start the timer
136:         getStatus();
137:         getMove();
138:     }
140:     public void stop() {
141:         myTimer.stop();
142:     }
144:     private class TimerHandler implements ActionListener
145:     {
146:         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent)
147:         {
148:             getMove();
149:             repaint();
150:         }
151:     }
152:     public void paintComponent (Graphics g)
153:     {
154:         super.paintComponent(g);
156:         for(Player p : players) p.draw(g);
157:     }

01: import java.awt.*;
02: import java.awt.geom.*;
03: import java.awt.Color;
04: import java.awt.Graphics;
05: import java.awt.Graphics2D;
06: import java.util.*;
08: public class Player
09: {
10:     int id;
11:         double x; //local variables
12:         double y;
13:         double vx, vy;
14:         Color color;
15:         String name;
16:         String status;
17:         int radius;
19:         public Player()  //default constructor
20:         {
21:         }
22:         public Player(int id, String name, String status)
23:         {
24:    = id;
25:    = name;
26:             this.status = status;
27:             radius = 17;
28:         }
30:         public void setPosition (double px, double py)
31:         {
32:             x = px;
33:             y = py;
34:         }
35:         public void setVelocity(double vx, double vy)
36:         {
37:             this.vx = vx;
38:             this.vy = vy;
39:         }
41:         public void setColor (int R, int G, int B) //set color
42:         {
43:                 color = new Color(R,G,B);
44:         }
46:         public String toString()
47:         {
48:             String str = name + " (" + id + "):";
49:             str += " color(" + color.getRed() + ", " + color.getGreen() + ", " + color.getBlue() + ")";
50:             str += " position (" + x + ", " + y + ")";
51:             str += " velocity (" + vx + ", " + vy + ")";
52:             return str;
53:         }
55:         public void draw(Graphics g) //plot current player to graphics window
56:         {
57:             g.setColor(color);
58:             g.fillOval((int)(x-radius), (int) (y-radius), (int)2*radius, (int)2*radius);
59:         }
60: }

Maintained by John Loomis, updated Sat Apr 05 21:14:31 2008