C++ Standard Template Library

What is the STL? string class Basic introduction Links

What is the Standard Template Library?

The Standard Template Library (STL) is a general-purpose C++ library of algorithms and data structures, originated by Alexander Stepanov and Meng Lee. The STL, based on a concept known as generic programming, is part of the standard ANSI C++ library. The STL is implemented by means of the C++ template mechanism, hence its name. While some aspects of the library are very complex, it can often be applied in a very straightforward way, facilitating reuse of the sophisticated data structures and algorithms it contains.

What about the string class?

Although not part of the STL, the string class is also part of the ANSI C++ standard library. Like the STL, it provides a commonly needed facility (character string handling).

A basic introduction to the STL and the string class

A complete introduction to the STL can be found by consulting the references below. For starters, though, a small number of classes and algorithms can be very useful:

If you wish to use STL containers to hold objects of user-defined (class) types, as opposed to built-in types (e.g., int), please refer to the requirements for these objects.

Links to other resources

For more information on the STL, try the following links:

This document was written by Dr. Mark J. Sebern (See stl) and last updated on August 22, 2001.