




import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.Date;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane;
import javafx.scene.control.TextArea;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class TicTacToeServer extends Application 
    implements TicTacToeConstants {
  private int sessionNo = 1; // Number a session
  @Override // Override the start method in the Application class
  public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
    TextArea taLog = new TextArea();

    // Create a scene and place it in the stage
    Scene scene = new Scene(new ScrollPane(taLog), 450, 200);
    primaryStage.setTitle("TicTacToeServer"); // Set the stage title
    primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage
    primaryStage.show(); // Display the stage

    new Thread( () -> {
      try {
        // Create a server socket
        ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(8000);
        Platform.runLater(() -> taLog.appendText(new Date() +
          ": Server started at socket 8000\n"));
        // Ready to create a session for every two players
        while (true) {
          Platform.runLater(() -> taLog.appendText(new Date() +
            ": Wait for players to join session " + sessionNo + '\n'));
          // Connect to player 1
          Socket player1 = serverSocket.accept();
          Platform.runLater(() -> {
            taLog.appendText(new Date() + ": Player 1 joined session " 
              + sessionNo + '\n');
            taLog.appendText("Player 1's IP address" +
              player1.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + '\n');
          // Notify that the player is Player 1
          new DataOutputStream(
          // Connect to player 2
          Socket player2 = serverSocket.accept();
          Platform.runLater(() -> {
            taLog.appendText(new Date() +
              ": Player 2 joined session " + sessionNo + '\n');
            taLog.appendText("Player 2's IP address" +
              player2.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + '\n');
          // Notify that the player is Player 2
          new DataOutputStream(
          // Display this session and increment session number
          Platform.runLater(() -> 
            taLog.appendText(new Date() + 
              ": Start a thread for session " + sessionNo++ + '\n'));
          // Launch a new thread for this session of two players
          new Thread(new HandleASession(player1, player2)).start();
      catch(IOException ex) {

  // Define the thread class for handling a new session for two players
  class HandleASession implements Runnable, TicTacToeConstants {
    private Socket player1;
    private Socket player2;
    // Create and initialize cells
    private char[][] cell =  new char[3][3];
    private DataInputStream fromPlayer1;
    private DataOutputStream toPlayer1;
    private DataInputStream fromPlayer2;
    private DataOutputStream toPlayer2;
    // Continue to play
    private boolean continueToPlay = true;
    /** Construct a thread */
    public HandleASession(Socket player1, Socket player2) {
      this.player1 = player1;
      this.player2 = player2;
      // Initialize cells
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
          cell[i][j] = ' ';
    /** Implement the run() method for the thread */
    public void run() {
      try {
        // Create data input and output streams
        DataInputStream fromPlayer1 = new DataInputStream(
        DataOutputStream toPlayer1 = new DataOutputStream(
        DataInputStream fromPlayer2 = new DataInputStream(
        DataOutputStream toPlayer2 = new DataOutputStream(
        // Write anything to notify player 1 to start
        // This is just to let player 1 know to start
        // Continuously serve the players and determine and report
        // the game status to the players
        while (true) {
          // Receive a move from player 1
          int row = fromPlayer1.readInt();
          int column = fromPlayer1.readInt();
          cell[row][column] = 'X';
          // Check if Player 1 wins
          if (isWon('X')) {
            sendMove(toPlayer2, row, column);
            break; // Break the loop
          else if (isFull()) { // Check if all cells are filled
            sendMove(toPlayer2, row, column);
          else {
            // Notify player 2 to take the turn
            // Send player 1's selected row and column to player 2
            sendMove(toPlayer2, row, column);
          // Receive a move from Player 2
          row = fromPlayer2.readInt();
          column = fromPlayer2.readInt();
          cell[row][column] = 'O';
          // Check if Player 2 wins
          if (isWon('O')) {
            sendMove(toPlayer1, row, column);
          else {
            // Notify player 1 to take the turn
            // Send player 2's selected row and column to player 1
            sendMove(toPlayer1, row, column);
      catch(IOException ex) {
    /** Send the move to other player */
    private void sendMove(DataOutputStream out, int row, int column)
        throws IOException {
      out.writeInt(row); // Send row index
      out.writeInt(column); // Send column index
    /** Determine if the cells are all occupied */
    private boolean isFull() {
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
          if (cell[i][j] == ' ')
            return false; // At least one cell is not filled
      // All cells are filled
      return true;
    /** Determine if the player with the specified token wins */
    private boolean isWon(char token) {
      // Check all rows
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if ((cell[i][0] == token)
            && (cell[i][1] == token)
            && (cell[i][2] == token)) {
          return true;
      /** Check all columns */
      for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        if ((cell[0][j] == token)
            && (cell[1][j] == token)
            && (cell[2][j] == token)) {
          return true;
      /** Check major diagonal */
      if ((cell[0][0] == token)
          && (cell[1][1] == token)
          && (cell[2][2] == token)) {
        return true;
      /** Check subdiagonal */
      if ((cell[0][2] == token)
          && (cell[1][1] == token)
          && (cell[2][0] == token)) {
        return true;
      /** All checked, but no winner */
      return false;
   * The main method is only needed for the IDE with limited
   * JavaFX support. Not needed for running from the command line.
  public static void main(String[] args) {

Maintained by John Loomis, updated Mon Mar 26 12:21:01 2018