Multi-particle Simulation (Gas)

A model of an ideal gas with hard-sphere collisions The program uses Numeric Python arrays for high speed computations

This is an example from the VPython distribution


001: from visual import *
002: from time import clock
003: from visual.graph import *
004: from random import random
006: # A model of an ideal gas with hard-sphere collisions
007: # Program uses Numeric Python arrays for high speed computations
009: win=500
011: Natoms = 50  # change this to have more or fewer atoms
013: # Typical values
014: L = 1. # container is a cube L on a side
015: gray = (0.7,0.7,0.7) # color of edges of container
016: Raxes = 0.005 # radius of lines drawn on edges of cube
017: Matom = 4E-3/6E23 # helium mass
018: Ratom = 0.03 # wildly exaggerated size of helium atom
019: k = 1.4E-23 # Boltzmann constant
020: T = 300. # around room temperature
021: dt = 1E-5
023: scene = display(title="Gas", width=win, height=win, x=0, y=0,
024:                 range=L, center=(L/2.,L/2.,L/2.))
026: deltav = 100. # binning for v histogram
027: vdist = gdisplay(x=0, y=win, ymax = Natoms*deltav/1000.,
028:              width=win, height=win/2, xtitle='v', ytitle='dN')
029: theory = gcurve(color=color.cyan)
030: observation = ghistogram(bins=arange(0.,3000.,deltav),
031:                         accumulate=1, average=1,
033: dv = 10.
034: for v in arange(0.,3001.+dv,dv): # theoretical prediction
035:     theory.plot(pos=(v,
036:         (deltav/dv)*Natoms*4.*pi*((Matom/(2.*pi*k*T))**1.5)
037:                      *exp((-0.5*Matom*v**2)/(k*T))*v**2*dv))
039: xaxis = curve(pos=[(0,0,0), (L,0,0)], color=gray, radius=Raxes)
040: yaxis = curve(pos=[(0,0,0), (0,L,0)], color=gray, radius=Raxes)
041: zaxis = curve(pos=[(0,0,0), (0,0,L)], color=gray, radius=Raxes)
042: xaxis2 = curve(pos=[(L,L,L), (0,L,L), (0,0,L), (L,0,L)], color=gray, radius=Raxes)
043: yaxis2 = curve(pos=[(L,L,L), (L,0,L), (L,0,0), (L,L,0)], color=gray, radius=Raxes)
044: zaxis2 = curve(pos=[(L,L,L), (L,L,0), (0,L,0), (0,L,L)], color=gray, radius=Raxes)
046: Atoms = []
047: colors = [,,,
048:           color.yellow, color.cyan, color.magenta]
049: poslist = []
050: plist = []
051: mlist = []
052: rlist = []
054: for i in range(Natoms):
055:     Lmin = 1.1*Ratom
056:     Lmax = L-Lmin
057:     x = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random()
058:     y = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random()
059:     z = Lmin+(Lmax-Lmin)*random()
060:     r = Ratom
061:     Atoms = Atoms+[sphere(pos=(x,y,z), radius=r, color=colors[i % 6])]
062:     mass = Matom*r**3/Ratom**3
063:     pavg = sqrt(2.*mass*1.5*k*T) # average kinetic energy p**2/(2mass) = (3/2)kT
064:     theta = pi*random()
065:     phi = 2*pi*random()
066:     px = pavg*sin(theta)*cos(phi)
067:     py = pavg*sin(theta)*sin(phi)
068:     pz = pavg*cos(theta)
069:     poslist.append((x,y,z))
070:     plist.append((px,py,pz))
071:     mlist.append(mass)
072:     rlist.append(r)
074: pos = array(poslist)
075: p = array(plist)
076: m = array(mlist)
077: m.shape = (Natoms,1) # Numeric Python: (1 by Natoms) vs. (Natoms by 1)
078: radius = array(rlist)
080: t = 0.0
081: Nsteps = 0
082: pos = pos+(p/m)*(dt/2.) # initial half-step
083: time = clock()
085: while 1:
086:     observation.plot(data=mag(p/m))
088:     # Update all positions
089:     pos = pos+(p/m)*dt
091:     r = pos-pos[:,NewAxis] # all pairs of atom-to-atom vectors
092:     rmag = sqrt(add.reduce(r*r,-1)) # atom-to-atom scalar distances
093:     hit = less_equal(rmag,radius+radius[:,NewAxis])-identity(Natoms)
094:     hitlist = sort(nonzero(hit.flat)).tolist() # i,j encoded as i*Natoms+j
096:     # If any collisions took place:
097:     for ij in hitlist:
098:         i, j = divmod(ij,Natoms) # decode atom pair
099:         hitlist.remove(j*Natoms+i) # remove symmetric j,i pair from list
100:         ptot = p[i]+p[j]
101:         mi = m[i,0]
102:         mj = m[j,0]
103:         vi = p[i]/mi
104:         vj = p[j]/mj
105:         ri = Atoms[i].radius
106:         rj = Atoms[j].radius
107:         a = mag(vj-vi)**2
108:         if a == 0: continue # exactly same velocities
109:         b = 2*dot(pos[i]-pos[j],vj-vi)
110:         c = mag(pos[i]-pos[j])**2-(ri+rj)**2
111:         d = b**2-4.*a*c
112:         if d < 0: continue # something wrong; ignore this rare case
113:         deltat = (-b+sqrt(d))/(2.*a) # t-deltat is when they made contact
114:         pos[i] = pos[i]-(p[i]/mi)*deltat # back up to contact configuration
115:         pos[j] = pos[j]-(p[j]/mj)*deltat
116:         mtot = mi+mj
117:         pcmi = p[i]-ptot*mi/mtot # transform momenta to cm frame
118:         pcmj = p[j]-ptot*mj/mtot
119:         rrel = norm(pos[j]-pos[i])
120:         pcmi = pcmi-2*dot(pcmi,rrel)*rrel # bounce in cm frame
121:         pcmj = pcmj-2*dot(pcmj,rrel)*rrel
122:         p[i] = pcmi+ptot*mi/mtot # transform momenta back to lab frame
123:         p[j] = pcmj+ptot*mj/mtot
124:         pos[i] = pos[i]+(p[i]/mi)*deltat # move forward deltat in time
125:         pos[j] = pos[j]+(p[j]/mj)*deltat
127:     # Bounce off walls
128:     outside = less_equal(pos,Ratom) # walls closest to origin
129:     p1 = p*outside
130:     p = p-p1+abs(p1) # force p component inward
131:     outside = greater_equal(pos,L-Ratom) # walls farther from origin
132:     p1 = p*outside
133:     p = p-p1-abs(p1) # force p component inward
135:     # Update positions of display objects
136:     for i in range(Natoms):
137:         Atoms[i].pos = pos[i]
139:     Nsteps = Nsteps+1
140:     t = t+dt
142:     if Nsteps == 50:
143:         print '%3.1f seconds for %d steps with %d Atoms' % (clock()-time, Nsteps, Natoms)
144: ##    rate(30)