ECE 563 Computer Vision Assignment 1

Submit your work through Isidore. Include an HTML document called index.html giving an overall summary of your answers and links to published MATLAB documentation where appropriate. Include all MATLAB code and images referenced in the MATLAB code. Submit the assignment on Isidore in a single zip file.

  1. Create a personal ECE563 home page. This page should include a picture of yourself, a brief vita, and images from your home or previous schools. The page should include examples of images which are (1) thumbnail images hyperlinked to larger versions and (2) reduced-size images using WIDTH and/or HEIGHT attributes to the image tag. The page should include both GIF and JPG image types.

  2. Do the following web studies:
    1. Locate the web site of a manufacturer of image processing equipment. Reference the site in your report.
    2. Locate a web site describing an application of image processing, and reference it in your report.
    3. Locate a web site from another University offering a image processing course, and reference the course web page in your report.
    4. Find several sites describing the DICOM and GEOTIFF image formats. Summarize your findings, and reference the sources.

  3. Collect a variety of images including binary images, cartoon images, grayscale images, and 24-bit RGB images. Include as many different image formats as you can, expecially TIF, GIF, and JPG. At least one image should be directly from a digital camera. Write a MATLAB script to list the images in your workspace, list the file information, and display the image.

  4. Obtain an image with GPS Information encoded (preferably one you have taken yourself)
    1. Use geoloc to obtain details about the camera and the GPS position.
    2. Use imshow to display the image.
    3. Use Google maps to generate a satelite image of the location.
    4. Mark the Google map image at the correct location of the camera (if you know it) - otherwise mark a feature of interest.

Maintained by John Loomis, last updated 19 Jan 2016