ECE Assignment 4

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  1. Create published MATLAB examples for morphological functions you signed up for.

  2. Use histogram equalization on tools.jpg, breast.tif, bone-scan-GE.tif, polen.tif, and chestXray.tif Show before-and-after images and histograms.

  3. Process one of the above images using imcontrast, adapthisteq and imadjust. Capture screen-shots to illustrate your use of these tools. Show before-and-after images and histograms.

  4. Calculate the invariant moments (p 839-842) of the playing card images from assignment 3. Use the matlab file invariant_moments.m in the handout. Compare the results to those generated by invmoments.m. Report and resolve any differences (errors) you find in those files.

  5. Take one of the card images and transform it as shown in Figure 11.37 (p 842). Generate a table of moment invariants like Table 11.5 on the same page.

  6. Calculate the invariant moments of binary_blobs.tif. Segment the image so that you process only one blob at a time. Are the moments invariant to rotation?