Camera Calibration

These are the results of a camera calibration using Bouguet's calibration toolkit


close all
load Calib_Results
dont_ask = 1; % suppress queries
fprintf('\nUsing (wintx,winty)=(%d,%d) - Window size = %dx%d\n',wintx,winty,2*wintx+1,2*winty+1);
fprintf('Note: To reset the window size, run script clearwin (or just clear wintx winty)\n');
fprintf('and run ''Extract grid corners'' again from gui\n');

fprintf('\nChecker square size dX %g dY %g\n',dX_default,dY_default);
Image base name: 2012_0524_
Image format: JPG
Camera Make: FUJIFILM
Camera Model: FinePix6900ZOOM
Image size: 2048 x 1536
Focal length: 9.7

Using (wintx,winty)=(16,16) - Window size = 33x33
Note: To reset the window size, run script clearwin (or just clear wintx winty)
and run 'Extract grid corners' again from gui

Checker square size dX 3 dY 3

calibration results


Calibration results (with uncertainties):

Focal Length:          fc = [ 2523.94224   2507.20536 ] ± [ 8.31972   8.98468 ]
Principal point:       cc = [ 960.69629   780.89356 ] ± [ 14.57632   16.16431 ]
Skew:             alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] ± [ 0.00000  ]   => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000 ± 0.00000 degrees
Distortion:            kc = [ -0.18509   0.48400   -0.00706   -0.00572  0.00000 ] ± [ 0.01685   0.12889   0.00159   0.00136  0.00000 ]
Pixel error:          err = [ 0.15170   0.23660 ]

Note: The numerical errors are approximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).

calibration extrinsics

close all;


Loading image 1...2...3...
Pixel error:      err = [0.15170   0.23660] (all active images)

visualize distortion
