
load cameraParams

displayErrors(estimationErrors, cameraParams);
			Standard Errors of Estimated Camera Parameters

Focal length (pixels):   [ 6568.2737 +/- 22.8045    6560.9700 +/- 23.0898 ]
Principal point (pixels):[ 2446.9143 +/- 11.7226    1429.3892 +/- 15.3688 ]
Radial distortion:       [   -0.0064 +/- 0.0093       -0.1059 +/- 0.0664  ]

Rotation vectors:
                         [   -1.0995 +/- 0.0027        0.4616 +/- 0.0018        0.7231 +/- 0.0012  ]
                         [   -1.1202 +/- 0.0025       -0.4490 +/- 0.0022       -0.6532 +/- 0.0011  ]
                         [    0.3608 +/- 0.0021       -0.7476 +/- 0.0018       -0.1435 +/- 0.0011  ]
                         [    0.9236 +/- 0.0034        0.3885 +/- 0.0024        1.6344 +/- 0.0009  ]
                         [   -1.1009 +/- 0.0027        0.4800 +/- 0.0019        0.7143 +/- 0.0012  ]
                         [   -0.1673 +/- 0.0026       -0.1013 +/- 0.0031        1.5039 +/- 0.0004  ]
                         [    0.0849 +/- 0.0018       -0.0065 +/- 0.0018       -0.0234 +/- 0.0002  ]
                         [    0.0958 +/- 0.0019       -0.1485 +/- 0.0018        1.5275 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [    0.0275 +/- 0.0018       -0.2246 +/- 0.0024        1.5016 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [   -0.5332 +/- 0.0025       -0.6161 +/- 0.0021        1.4283 +/- 0.0009  ]

Translation vectors (inches):
                         [   10.6353 +/- 0.2367        3.0658 +/- 0.3100      132.1400 +/- 0.4116  ]
                         [   -3.3195 +/- 0.2131       10.9201 +/- 0.2745      118.7797 +/- 0.4038  ]
                         [   -4.1288 +/- 0.2002       -9.6135 +/- 0.2622      111.8675 +/- 0.4297  ]
                         [   26.6131 +/- 0.1900       -9.2855 +/- 0.2586      110.8880 +/- 0.4467  ]
                         [   11.4750 +/- 0.2373        4.9988 +/- 0.3102      132.3406 +/- 0.4125  ]
                         [   19.0897 +/- 0.2050       -9.9572 +/- 0.2734      117.2632 +/- 0.4153  ]
                         [   -8.5040 +/- 0.1209      -11.9872 +/- 0.1604       67.3922 +/- 0.2397  ]
                         [   19.0046 +/- 0.1243      -12.9489 +/- 0.1665       69.4139 +/- 0.2539  ]
                         [   -1.0049 +/- 0.1214      -12.0291 +/- 0.1604       67.2780 +/- 0.2412  ]
                         [    4.4572 +/- 0.2006      -16.3471 +/- 0.2633      112.7032 +/- 0.3812  ]
rotationVector = [ -1.0995       0.4616        0.7231 ];
rotationMatrix = rotationVectorToMatrix(rotationVector)
rotationMatrix =
    0.6879    0.2953   -0.6630
   -0.7257    0.2657   -0.6347
   -0.0113    0.9177    0.3970
load CalibrationSession
BoardSet = calibrationSession.BoardSet
BoardPoints = BoardSet.BoardPoints;
WorldPoints = BoardSet.WorldPoints;
save BoardData BoardPoints WorldPoints
calibrationSession = 
  Session with properties:

                   CameraModel: [1×1 struct]
         StandardCameraModelUI: [1×1 struct]
          FisheyeCameraModelUI: [1×1 struct]
           OptimizationOptions: []
                IsFisheyeModel: 0
             IsFisheyeSelected: 0
             IsFixedIntrinsics: 0
             StereoIntrinsics1: []
             StereoIntrinsics2: []
      StereoIntrinsicsVarName1: []
      StereoIntrinsicsVarName2: []
              CameraParameters: [1×1 cameraParameters]
              EstimationErrors: [1×1 cameraCalibrationErrors]
            ShouldExportErrors: 0
                      BoardSet: [1×1 vision.internal.calibration.tool.BoardSet]
               HasEnoughBoards: 1
                     CanExport: 1
                     IsChanged: 1
                ExtrinsicsView: 'CameraCentric'
                    ErrorsView: 'BarGraph'
                      Filename: 'C:\ece564\CV2020-02-05\calibrationSession.mat'
            ExportVariableName: 'cameraParams'
      ExportErrorsVariableName: 'estimationErrors'
                      FileName: 'C:\ece564\CV2020-02-05\calibrationSession.mat'
    IsValidStereoCameraSession: 0
    IsValidSingleCameraSession: 1
BoardSet = 
  BoardSet with properties:

               FullPathNames: {1×10 cell}
                   BoardSize: [9 9]
                 BoardPoints: [64×2×10 double]
                 WorldPoints: [64×2 double]
                  SquareSize: 3
                 BoardLabels: {1×10 cell}
                  BoardIcons: {1×10 cell}
    LastNonDetectedPathNames: {1×0 cell}
                   NumBoards: 10
                   ImageSize: [2592 4608]
                       Units: 'inches'
                    IsStereo: 0
hcam = calibrationSession.CameraParameters
RotationMatrices = hcam.RotationMatrices;
TranslationVectors = hcam.TranslationVectors;
hcam = 
  cameraParameters with properties:

   Camera Intrinsics
                         Intrinsics: [1×1 cameraIntrinsics]
   Camera Extrinsics
                   RotationMatrices: [3×3×10 double]
                 TranslationVectors: [10×3 double]
   Accuracy of Estimation
              MeanReprojectionError: 1.0618
                 ReprojectionErrors: [64×2×10 double]
                  ReprojectedPoints: [64×2×10 double]
   Calibration Settings
                        NumPatterns: 10
                        WorldPoints: [64×2 double]
                         WorldUnits: 'inches'
                       EstimateSkew: 0
    NumRadialDistortionCoefficients: 2
       EstimateTangentialDistortion: 0
R = RotationMatrices(:,:,1)
fprintf("Infinity norm of difference %g\n",norm(rotationMatrix-R,Inf));
disp("check R' * rotationMatrix")
Rvec = rotationMatrixToVector(R)
fprintf("Infinity norm of difference %g\n",norm(rotationVector-Rvec,Inf));
R =
    0.6879    0.2952   -0.6630
   -0.7257    0.2656   -0.6347
   -0.0113    0.9178    0.3970
Infinity norm of difference 8.03457e-05
check R' * rotationMatrix
ans =
    1.0000   -0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000    1.0000    0.0001
   -0.0000   -0.0001    1.0000
Rvec =
   -1.0995    0.4616    0.7231
Infinity norm of difference 4.42888e-05
% Use Bouguet rodrigues function
% note v is negative of rotationVector (and produces transpose of
% rotationMatrix)

v = rodrigues(R)

Rt1 = rotationVectorToMatrix(v)
Rt2 = rotationVectorToMatrix(-v)

v =
Rt1 =
    0.6879   -0.7257   -0.0113
    0.2952    0.2656    0.9178
   -0.6630   -0.6347    0.3970
Rt2 =
    0.6879    0.2952   -0.6630
   -0.7257    0.2656   -0.6347
   -0.0113    0.9178    0.3970
ans =
    1.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000
   -0.0000    1.0000    0.0000
   -0.0000    0.0000    1.0000
% Note effect of leaving off the transpose


t = zeros(10,3);
for n=1:10
    t(n,:) = -TranslationVectors(n,:)*RotationMatrices(:,:,n)'/12;
ans =
   -5.8307    6.6143   -4.5973
ans =
   -0.3293   -9.4864   -2.9633
t =
    6.6160    7.5640   -4.5959
   -5.8307    6.6143   -4.5973
   -5.9001   -2.7064   -6.7476
   -2.5375   -5.0574   -7.6740
    6.6337    7.5391   -4.6764
    1.0819    3.3013   -9.3081
    0.6540    0.5348   -5.6856
    0.1022    1.8032   -5.8199
    0.0686    0.6657   -5.6566
    0.6731    6.6967   -6.7010
rgb = imread("2020-02-05_17-48-14.JPG");

ndx = find(WorldPoints(:,2)==0);
ndy = find(WorldPoints(:,1)==0);
mx = find(and(WorldPoints(:,2)==0,WorldPoints(:,1)==21));
my = find(and(WorldPoints(:,2)==21,WorldPoints(:,1)==0));

p = BoardPoints(:,:,n);

hold on

fprintf("Translation Vector %g %g %g\n",t(n,:));
hold off
Translation Vector -5.83074 6.61428 -4.59727